Rabbi Judah Loew ben Bezalel laboriously reached the attic of the synagogue, opened a of old trunks that littered along with ancient golem lifeless and there laid a copper box from the lid sealed with yellow wax. Key closed the trunk and turned back down before a prayer to the Almighty that the box was never opened by anyone. He knew he did not have the power to destroy it but he also knew that if he had fallen into the wrong hands the consequences could be devastating: those balls of silk and mohair, from the air so soft and innocent, hiding under a so ... so wicked and perverse that it was better were forgotten forever.
Turin, Italy, March 12, 2011
Stellarossa took up her shawl that was stained with Nescafe expired that it had given a beautiful dove gray. He used the seven balls he had received from her mother many years ago and which had never been able to know the precise origin: the mother was remained vague and, indeed, it seemed that every time he abruptly changed the subject. It was quite pleased with the success of the shawl and the idea of \u200b\u200bcoloring it worked very well: what was then the subtle torment that made her turn and look it? And because cats, despite the softness of the fabric, never went to appallottolarvisi well above and even turned away? He shook his head, put on a shawl and lit a cigarette, giving absently at his watch. It was just past midnight, stubbed out his cigarette, grabbed a pen and a sheet of paper and, almost in a trance, completely redesigned the shawl, and a cold light spread from his eyes.
Arcore, Italy, Villa San Martino, April 1, 2011
The package had passed all the checks and private security and it is totally harmless . There was no individual sender, but the source was certain: the packing slip was headed ACME ltd, Death Valley, California, USA, and after a consultation between the Ministers of Education and Culture, it was revealed that he was going to ACME A Company Making Everything , a company that produces anything. The parcel contained, carefully folded, a manufactured textile handmade silk and mohair dove-gray finely finished and an instruction sheet. Once deployed, the item appeared as a shawl in the shape of inverted isosceles triangle, obtuse, the corners of the base of which were connected, seamless, two other acute-angled isosceles triangles. From the three branched end the three-cord ending in a ring. But what impressed most was the message given in rice double point at the apex of the triangle major: SE X.
According to the leaflet was a recursive SEX EXtreme Sex and referred to a particular technique of amplification of the scope and intensity of orgasm known as "erotic asphyxiation" or and breath control consisting of apnea-induced (or self-induced) that can cause panic and the release of endorphins and reduce the oxygen to the brain. The instructions then explained in detail the proper use of the instrument, emphasizing in particular the possibility of use male or female. In smaller letters was then shown a special bonus feature double , possible only by experienced users.
SB was eager to try the new toy and explore all possibilities. Mentally thanked the unknown author of the gift and refined and made a few calls from a mobile encrypted. With the controls on the left press and damned robes Red organize two or three ciulatine became damn complicated.
Arcore, Italy, Crypt Mausoleum, April 3, 2011
The room bunga - bunga had now become unusable because of excessive risk interceptions, so SB had had to resort to the Assyrian-style mausoleum in Milan who had built and designed by Pietro Cascella in the garden, a place where he had been in his time rudely rejected by an ungrateful Montanelli "Domine, non sum dignus. The secrecy was guaranteed access to a network of tunnels which also led to Shamballa and Agarthi, useful for sudden disappearances. He called it the "faithful" Nicole with whom he had reconciled after the unpleasant episode of "flabby ass" and was about to experience the wonders of the mysterious shawl using as base the lid of the sarcophagus in which, in the distant future would be His body was laid hibernating, waiting for resurrection.
started with how badly : following the instructions shawl wrapped around his neck and he passed the two rings of the I-cord side over the glans, then proceed to penetration. In fact, by modulating the pelvic thrust, the pressure around the neck or decreased, enhancing and prolonging the sensation of pleasure.
was then the turn of the mode female : this time the shawl was wrapped around the neck of Nicole, the rings were placed in the same way how bad , increasing the power of thrust and the pressure on her neck grew the pressure of the vaginal walls.
tireless and convinced that he had now taken possession of the secrets of the tool would still prove how double feature: this was the same way female plus the use of the third I-cord wrapped around his neck first and with the ring positioned as the other two. In this way the tip of the shawl was no longer behind but in front of her, with SEX written prominently. In fact, so the feeling was compounded and amplified, but while both gasping and screaming with pleasure then he saw the writing of S SEX was slowly unraveling, the third I-cord was clearly related to the letter and the tension had led to slippage.
When he realized that by now the word had become EX was too late: the shawl and its appendices shook more and more, regardless of the movement. The first to explode under the pressure were the lips of Nicole, followed by tits. Covered with silicone and drops of blood by the strange appearance of a star, could not even hiss "gosh", while the lid of the sarcophagus opened and closed on their bodies.
- About Prague and the Golem (clay creature, busy writing on the front of the word "truth" - in Hebrew, emet - and reduced to inanimate condition by deleting the first letter of the word, which became met - "Death"), you can see, among others, the works: Magic Prague by Angelo Maria Ripellino, Einaudi, 2005 The golem and by Gustav Meyrink, Bompiani, 2000, in addition to the film Paul Wegener, The Golem - How was the world ( Der Golem: Wie er in die Welt kam , 1920), which is taken from the frame up.
- On the dove-gray v. http://www.colourlovers.com/color/5E5350/tortora
- More information about ACME Company, a supplier of the characters of Looney Tunes of Warner Bros, are reported in the indispensable The ACME catalog, Charles Carney and Scott Grass, Panini, 2010.
- At points of the mesh is available Encyclopedia of the mesh. Over 300 points explained step by step Mary Webb, Giunti Demetra, 2010.
- techniques breath control, and in general can be found on the extreme sex Extreme Sex. Unlimited practice cyber age, 1995 and Extreme Sex vol. 2, 1996 by William Cooper, published by Castelvecchi but both out of print. E 'in 2011 with the release of Aliberti Castelvecchi Extreme Sex. The definitive edition (the book is only suitable for mature audiences and low emotional).
- The Mausoleum of Arcore, as well as some rare video from YouTube reported, cf. Marco Travaglio, Montanelli and rider. Story of a great man and a small , Garzanti, 2010.
- on Shamballa and Agarthi "Information" can be found in The king of the world Rene Guenon, Adelphi, 1977 and in From Atlantis to Shamballah Alec MacEllan, Piemme, 2001 (if not to laugh).
- silicone implants for breast augmentation and see. Joseph C. Segen, Dictionary of Modern Medicine , McGraw-Hill, 2006.
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