Magic Mirror on the Wall,
Who is the cleverest one of all?
Giuliano Ferrara viscerally hates (and is a bowel that they will be) Umberto Eco. When he heard during his speech ("We're ruled by a schizophrenic") to Palasharp of Milan on Feb. 5 that he goes to bed so late, but because it reads Kant, He must have come to a passage of bile and has been brooding a lot 'to find something subtly ironic and very intelligent at the level of self-esteem (which however is not necessarily that get so much per pound).
Think you thinks, has obtained a copy of Political Writings of Kant (Utet, 2010, pp. 689, € 14.90) and with an incredible stroke of luck came across the front pages (if you check a photo of the event smutandati February 12, you can see how the book has not been peeled beyond the first or second sixteenth) in ' Idea of \u200b\u200ba Universal History from a Cosmopolitan view from which this phrase: "From a timber so crooked as that which has made man can not get nothing perfectly straight. " Hence the justification of intimate behavior, and then the acquittal of Berlusconi.
Gustavo Zagrebelsky (which he also hated by our very intelligent, too - as Eco - for bibliographical reasons: Ferrara on the market there is only a 2005 book published by Solfanelli) pointed out that the philosophy of Kant is slightly more difficult and that to want to play into the hands of the citations, one can encounter in the most categorical statements like that on the moral law in Critique of Practical Reason ("Act so as to treat humanity, whether in your person, either in person than any other, always as purpose, and never as mere means "pace of" end users "and all" owners " or "employers", but that's another story).

But what shall derive the envy, perfidy and intellectual dishonesty of Ferrara? If we run we see that his biography is the son of Maurizio Ferrara, senator and director of the Communist Unity 1966 to 1970 and Francesco de Marco, and then long Gappisti partisan secretary of Togliatti, which is not He graduated from the university despite having participated in the '68, which was "responsible factories" of the PCI in Turin since 1973 and then leader of the party alongside Piero Fassino and left the PCI in 1983 in protest against the party's decision not to dedicate a concert to the victims of the massacre of Sabra and Shatila (from 450 to 3500 Palestinians killed 16 to 18 October 1982 by Lebanese Christian militias in an area controlled by the Israeli army).
After that date there was a progressive (regressive rather) right shift, including a stage (as he said) in collaboration with the CIA (which reported on the PSI craxi to which he belonged).
Then, on one hand the weight of a "traditional" family and other particularly difficult to count very little awareness in the party or rather by their own merit for alleged substance is not recognized (the same thing has happened to Renzo Foa, poor parents). This second aspect of its association with other "converted" type Lucio Colletti, Ferdinand Adorno and Fabrizio Cicchitto behind intellectual contortions and exacerbations hide trivial moral will to power dictated by maturation blocked by personal self-esteem in the boundless narcissism (Cicchitto up for registration the P2 card 2232, he was filling his mouth with the Soviets and wrote articles full of revolutionary fire "L'Astrolabe" by Ferruccio Parri).
Ferrara, between an unresolved Oedipus and the lack of recognition of his "value", had no other choice but the way of "traitor" romantic and contradictory (himself, about his collaboration with the CIA has spoken the "thrill of transgression" and "loss of virginity"), a "hero" multifaceted and controversial, so a good non-linear narrative character.
happens, however, that the "traitor" carries the stigmata, the suspicion of treason "if he was able to betray once, who says that does not do it again?" What then, in addition to showing more and more zealous defender, more stimulator ("I want Berlusconi libertarian"), more and more "Consigliori? And 'here that can help him great literature.
In the story "The theme of the traitor and the hero" (content Fictions, Adelphi, 2003 or Einaudi, 2005 with translation of Franco Lucentini) Jorge Luis Borges said that Ryan Kilpatrick survey carried out on the death of his great-grandfather, Fergus Kilpatrick, Captain of the glorious Irish conspirators of the first 800, killed in mysterious circumstances and whose death he urged the people adored him to revolt. Kilpatrick had actually instructed the conspiratorial Nolan to discover the traitor who was hiding in the council of the revolution and slowed down the rebellion in Dublin and Nolan found that the traitor who had just given him the job. Fergus was sentenced to death by his comrades and signed by him but got the sentence that was carried out in such a way as to promote the cause and not to disappoint the people, by helping to put Nolan on stage, inspired by the plays of Shakespeare, who took away his life while he was redeemed from guilt. The great-grandson Ryan suspects that any imitation of Shakespeare, a little happier, have been inserted with the intention to put people on notice because they found out and tell the truth, but - fearing to be part of the plot too - published a book in memory of 'hero without saying who was also a traitor. Borges concludes that even though perhaps this was expected.
(From the story by Borges Bernardo Bertolucci has made in the 1970 film The Spider's Stratagem
with Giulio Brogi and Alida Valli, moving the action in the Po valley during the fascist period and contemporary and replacing the father-son - played by the same actor - the original ancestor-descendant, with interesting implications surreal and psychoanalysis.)

Returning to Ferrara, Borges's story would be helpful to permanently solve a series of problems that can not be delayed indefinitely: the nature already not been kind, time passes inexorably, and the prospect of growing old beside a virago type Anselma Dell'Olio must be those which do not wish your worst enemy, even with his work of support (or perhaps because of that) Berlusconi probably will not have to much and hated Eco Zagrebelsky and will continue to invade the libraries with their works. If
Ferrara, perhaps with the help of Cicchitto has the right facet of carrion for the job, did you want to pretend to betray Berlusconi in favor of the left and do justice by Gasparri (so that he will never understand what is going on) but by fall the blame on Eco (leaving the scene of the crime such as a copy of The Name of the Rose with suspicious shadows in the corners of pages), ultimately lead to the revolt of the people of the freedoms that the barricades would (with Brambilla topless instead of Marianna: weapons of mass destruction). And he definitely would come in Mito.
Perhaps the epitaph could be written Sandro Bondi, first to cut his veins.
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