Sunday, February 27, 2011

Alexis Texas Court Movie

The free market on top of me and the amoral familism in my heart

suddenly shouted
that was not the fate if the world was suffering,
if the sunlight tore blasphemies:
was the man guilty. At least we should desire to go,
free to hunger, say no
committed to a life that love and compassion,
family, the piece of land, tying our hands .
(Cesare Pavese, from smoking paper , 1932)

The hp is granbollito performed the day before yesterday in one of the more frequent use of deficient performance in media applaudenti (I hope someone records the faces of laudatores excited, so - when it is finally out of the way - that they can identify and keep the resulting distance ): this time, faced with the "Christian reformers" or something (de) genre, has attacked the public school, guilty of "inculcate values \u200b\u200bdifferent from those inculcated by families."
Now, one of the greatest disasters of this unfortunate country (and it is almost incredible that it still managed to produce absolute excellence of human art, science and culture), as well as the presence of pollutants, poisonous viscous and the CCAR (chiesacattolicapostolicaromana), is represented by its dominance of the Family, a true conspiracy, a source of moral corruption and human dignity brake (Leo Longanesi said that the Italians should be placed on the flag as its motto "I would like family"). The large family of Avetrana and the minimum of Grass are not exceptions monstrous total epiphanies are what the family is intimately. The exception is to be able to escape without too much damage.
But we see things a bit 'more closely.
In 1958, Edward C. Banfield published together with his wife Laura Fasano The Moral Basis of a Backward Society (tr. it.: Basics moral of a backward society , Il Mulino, 1976) the result of nine months of direct observation, test population, interviews and consultation with local archives of a village in Lucania conventionally called Montegrano: The aim was to understand the reasons the backwardness of certain social and economic community and the hypothesis was that this depended essentially cultural reasons. The culture of the extreme Montegrano had a conception of family ties that went against the ability to associate and to pursue the public interest. Individuals seemed to follow the rule: " maximize only short-term material advantages of his own nuclear family, assuming that all others do likewise . "This rule was called" amoral familism ":" familism "because the individual pursues only the interests of his family and not the community involving collaboration between non-kin, " amoral" because the categories of good and evil are only applied between the family and not to other individuals.
implications arising from the general rules that describe the effects of amoral familism regarding the management of public good and politics. In a society of amoral familism:
  • pursue any interest common, except where it enjoys an advantage right;
  • any person or institution, he would declare the act in the public interest will be considered a fraud;
  • only public officials will take care of public affairs, because they paid for it ; people do not care for them and if they did would be bad visa
  • public officials will be less controlled because it is a matter of other public officers only;
  • public officials do not identify with the goals of 'organization they serve, and professionals will demonstrate a lack of vocation or sense of mission, both will use their positions and their particular skills as tools to use against the next to pursue their own personal benefit;
  • public officials tend to be bribed, and if not he will still be considered corrupt;
  • there will be no connection between the abstract principles, political or ideological, and practical daily behavior;
  • the law will be disregarded whenever it seems possible to avoid the consequences;
  • the weak will welcome an authoritarian regime that to maintain order with a firm hand;
  • will be difficult create and maintain any organization, because this requires a certain amount of selflessness and identification and loyalty to the interest of the organization;
  • there will be no leaders or followers, because no one will be interested in supporting the enterprise unless motivated by personal interest;
  • voting will be used to make short-term material advantages, namely to repay benefits already achieved, not just those promises;
  • or the vote will be used to punish those whom you feel bad in their own interests, even if those have acted to promote interest public
  • members to parties tend to sell itself to parties most favored, leading to the instability of political forces.
I wanted to bring this long quotation (taken from "amoral familism " by Wikipedia) because I think - although it is referring to a village of a few thousand inhabitants in the province of power for over half a century ago - frighteningly applicable to devastated Italy today (raise your hand if you do not have a brother or a cousin who reasons in a way exactly amoral, indifferent, arrogant, scoundrel). If
Banfield's hypothesis is that social backwardness is the result of backwardness cultural then the problem is to eradicate the amoral familism (and the corresponding demented vision of 'homo economicus whereby free to pursue their own self-interest automatically produces, through the miraculous in the market, the common good) while preventing them from reproducing and providing alternatives that municipalities can not derive from the public school (which, as Flack said a "Che tempo che fa " Sunday is the place where the simulated life).
As for the family, if the manufacturer of the horrors described (and other more subtle as a few centuries of literature and decades of psychoanalysis and sociology of the family have shown), at least deserves to become extinct, although the process is still longish. In the meantime, why not experiment with different forms of free association between consenting adults is not emotionally handicapped and non-certified spiritually? Just to say, why not go to discover such common education of young Israeli kibbutz in the war so well described by Bruno Bettelheim in "Children of the dream ", Mondadori, 1977?
To call upon me "starry sky" and in my heart "moral law" (which is simple, to Kant and to everyone else man is an end and not half ).

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Cyst Removal From Jaw

still not enough? Sometimes they come back

How many more thousands of dead will be necessary to go beyond the stirring words of outrage at the massacres and crimes against humanity, a tragic clown hair dyed at this time should already be hanging upside down in a few square in Tripoli to fulfill its vocation for martyrdom (or at least wrapped up awaiting trial for genocide)? And the more tragic by our national clown fake hair and her expert slalom ski wax and, instead of indignantly rejected the accusations that it has provided rockets to insurgents, when (at least) threaten to arm the people really occurring, and to seize (better would be to expropriate ) Libya's funds invested in UniCredit, Fiat, Finmeccanica, Eni, Mediobanca, Juventus, Olcese, Retelit, slamming of blackmail on oil and gas and economic agreements (which will all be repealed so that will take power by the opposition)?
the avoidance of doubt, I do not like violence and I wish that disputes were resolved in a civilized manner, listen to free all of the reasons (the reasons, not the powers). But faced with a mad dictator and murderess mediations are not possible (and I recall that for a moral principle of a higher order the killing of the tyrant is not considered an offense and - for the Church - not even sin), is a question of ethic cleansing . The pity is dead.
in 1936 in aid of Republican Spain was attacked by Franco intervened about 59,000 men (including 4,050 Italians) from 53 countries on five continents, classified in the International Brigades, under the sign of the three-pointed red star above. Approximately 30% and 50% died fighting was wounded. On September 21, 1938 the Brigades were withdrawn under pressure from the front of the Western democracies committed to the "forward-looking" policy of nonintervention. Other situations and other times, for sure (and certainly others better) ...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Best Bang For The Buck Canon Camcorder

Thanks! Massimo

A heartfelt thanks to Fabio, Felicita, Mina and Patrick. Your contribution will be added to that arising from other donations and laboratories to organize the carnival.
to time, we do BOTH!
I'm better about top in Ethiopia, and start the adventure.
Thanks for the messages of esteem and affection, can more than any tonic. I embrace


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Chefs Hand Moisturizer

Anna Maria Bernini Bovicelli, born in Bologna on 17/08/1965, administrative cases and civil lawyer, "elected" to the Chamber of Deputies to the People of Freedom in 2008, no seat 442 in the third sector on the right (where else?) Of the arrangement often found on the talk-show television where stands for the particular insolence of the arguments for the use of the term "drill" referring to the wiretapping and the characteristic fixity of expression. The most recent appearances were in time to "Ballarò" on RAI-3 February 15 and "Eight and a half" on the La7 16: With regard to the fixity of expression, the assumptions that are made (see in particular the post "Plastic Woman" ) converge on the massive plastic surgery (it seems you can not be allowed Berlusconi's entourage unless you have something fake and / or rebuilt: ever wonder why? The poor Beatrice Lorenzin view to "Annozero" on the Rai2 February 17, and better known as "the mutual Meg Ryan, was forced, waiting for more insightful interventions, to wear an orthodontic apparecchietto). Why would not you ever laugh about the risk of sudden explosion of the cheeks and ears attached, a bit 'as was the mythical A King in New York ( A King in New York , 1957) by Charlie Chaplin.
but I believe that motivation is a bit 'more complex and should be sought first in the Babylonian myth (but not only) Oannes (worshiped by the Philistines, Dagon by name or Odakon) of they are still traces in the beliefs of the Dogon people of Mali (the name of Nommo) and the other in the fiction of Howard Phillips Lovecraft (1890-1937), especially in stories and novels of Cthulhu Cycle , whose story "Dagon" is a sort of premise .
Oannes For the Babylonians had a god out of a sort of primitive egg "that had led him to Earth where he showed men in anthropomorphic form and had failed to pass on knowledge necessary for the development of civilization, as reported by the Chaldean historian Berosus in his work "Babiloniaka" (275 BC) unfortunately been lost but whose contents have been kept by monaco Synkellos (eighth century AD) on the basis of the lost "Chronicles" of the father Church Eusebius of Caesarea (260-340 approx.) Who in turn drew from a compendium of the books of Berosus did in the first century BC by Alexander Polyhistor. According Polyhistor:
"There was a great multitude of people to Babylon, and they live without laws like wild animals. In the first year a beast called Oannes appeared Sea of \u200b\u200bEritrea, in a place adjacent to Babylon . His whole body was that of a fish, but a human head had grown up under the fish's head and human feet were similarly grown from the tail of the fish. It had a human voice. One of his image is still preserved today. He (Berosus, note) says that this beast passed the day with men, but did not eat food.
It gave people the knowledge of literature, science and art of all kinds. Also taught them how to found cities, build temples, to formulate laws and measure fields. Revealed to them the seeds and harvesting of fruit, and generally gave them everything that is connected with civilized life. From the time of the beast nothing new has been more open. But when the sun was setting, this beast Oannes dived into the sea and spent his nights in the abyss, as it was amphibious. Later there appeared other animals. "
HP Lovecraft in the story" Dagon "(1917) recovers the myth of man-fish telling a frightening be escaping from a giant vortex to embrace a monolith decorated Marine. The Cthulhu Cycle refers to extraterrestrial races that inhabit the earth and you had brought their gods, the Great Old , of \u200b\u200bwhich the best known, but not the most important, was just Cthulhu, a sort of polpastro disgusting and not at all interested in the progress and prosperity of humanity, but rather to communicate with people influencing the dreams and seduces with promises of power and endless pleasures (toh!). Beyond the pleasure of the narrative, the suspicion is that it may not be pure fantasy: maybe the followers of Cthulhu are among us in the guise demihumans, but detectable by the coldness and fixity of the gaze (and the crap they say and - unfortunately - do).
The pictures below show, in order, Cthulhu, Dagon and Anna Maria Bernini: note the uncanny resemblance?

Elenco numerato

Monday, February 14, 2011

Difference Between Xanax Bars

Nicole Minetti is a mussel crazy!

... (and you have not seen before the plastics ...)

The intrepid Regional Councillor-native English notes and other evidence which has now unleashed irrepressible vocation as a columnist with a column on entitled The fabulous world of Nicole (to paraphrase the title of the scoundrel julep and films by Jean-Pierre Jeunet) and starting immediately with the confusing fairy tales, fables and comic books and their contents. But the highlight is the reflection of the depth alberoniana beauty "is not a quality minor, but a strength. It is not an aesthetic detail, but a power that comes from within "and it is therefore right to learn to use.
Apart from what he said Sunday Margherita Buy interviewed by Lucia Annunziata in the splendid Roman event (" should have a horror of the power ") and without considering the merits of the historical, sociological and moral validity of the 'use' of beauty, what he knows and what does the Minetti with the beauty (or, as Peter would say," that c'azzecca) ? What is - or was - considered pretty universally known as a person totally unable to approach the area of \u200b\u200bgood taste (and you should already know from examples such as Milan and Mediaset 2) as the infamous President the advice that we have to suffer (perhaps not for long) should have at least suspicious. But we see things a bit 'more closely.

jaw A well-proportioned as the one shown in the left is approximately equal size in both height and width, with a parabolic trend reversed fairly close, while that of our subject has developed considerably in the front direction, especially down, giving the face the feature kindly described as "willful" (think of Mussolini), but that it would be better labeled "to be bull-dog" and this is also due to the harmonious development of the cheekbones not, however, adjusted, which reduce the orbital area contributing to the development of creases and vertical lines to the lower eyelids that should not be there in 26 years, and soon others will require expensive and of little use blepharoplasty. The extension of the jaw has also contributed to the downward shift and rotation out of the ear that although semicelati haired, took the special configuration "on elf." The frontal bone has undergone a development that bosses become increasingly evident with the loss of elasticity of the skin and the progressive narrowing and thinning of the hair, the latter process in very late stage. While the nose, with appropriate additional corrections rhinoplasty, can be kept under control for some years, little remains to be done to the protrusion of the upper lip permanently "vest", if not amputation (which, however, the failure to give the face the unsympathetic aspect of leper ") and the subsequent laborious reconstruction using skin from other parts of the body, especially of the buttocks, which do not seem adequately spread vertically. Even the lower limbs, although generously performed, do not appear in their thinness, sufficiently harmonious.
But the item clearly more awkward - even if, unfortunately, capable of exciting the unresolved Oedipal fantasies of certain so-called "male" Italian "- is the embarrassing breast hypertrophy that could never pass the" test Pencil "(as we know the test is to have a pencil horizontally under the left breast and right: If the pencil falls means that the chest muscle is tonic enough to support the mammary gland or that it has the right balance in relation to size ' action of gravity, if the pencil did not fall because trapped below the lower edge of the breast means that the size is too large) and is often responsible for severe deformities of the spine (lordosis, kyphosis, scoliosis), must have been particularly significant engineering work on the bra with the use of new materials and a complex dynamic equilibrium of rods and balances borrowed from technologies used for suspension bridges. Despite this, what does not work is the relationship between the breast mass and total body mass, dangerously close to the list of stumbling and a lot more than the index of ridiculous to observe separately the breast would expect a resulting pattern of the rest of the body, which is clearly not the case: it is as the trailer fraudulent a film that does not keep its promises.
Personally, then, the tits of Minetti, far from causing the slightest erotic excitement, they make me think of the beautiful episode of Fellini The Temptation of Dr. Antonio (from Boccaccio '70 , 1961) with Peppino De Filippo and Anita Ekberg (she did "so much", but adequate), with a funny song by Nino Rota, "Drink more milk"

And if you really want talk about "tits", as funny and ironic that of the films of Russ Meyer, Tura Satana type (recently deceased) in Faster Pussycat! Kill! Kill! , 1966 or Francesca "Kitten" Natividad in Up! , 1976 ...

Invitation For Deceased Aniversary

arrived in Limbe on the coast of Cameroon

After full days of bushcamp ... means tend to stay away from any inhabited place, Maximus sent me finally message. In short all good, strong experience in the real jungle, look for more telephone contact and tell you more. I continue with the grueling ups and downs, today I felt the pressure and had a maximum of 90 ... I start to get a little 'tired, I'll write soon everything I'm learning about malaria. So as to be least helpful to those who are preparing to leave for places where the parasite lives. I realize that here you do not know and this can be a problem, I'm experimenting with it directly.
messages that I hope I do not have to repeat, are not contagious! If you do not want to live a healthy life with passion, but this is not evil from spreading!
I greet you waiting for news from Africa.


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Examples Of Complimenatry Things

New interviews on Back to basics

are preparing for interviews, we want to say your idea of \u200b\u200ba "return to the essence"? We would like that the blog was made of many faces, not just our ... More faces appear, participate more intelligent, more creative and more will join the network will take the form for which it was designed. From
join us! Max

Precious Moments 102229 Sailboat

The truck continues in the Jungle ... followed by the gps ...

Hello Massimo and followed the truck in real time with the SAT that is tracking all of our trip.
Truck and friends are number 6 on the road, yesterday stopped a few miles from a town and I know how that trip that I do not know if is because the towns are dangerous, or simply to save on tents, shower etc.. The organization with which we (that of the truck for instance) tend to overlook a bit 'too much need for those who participate in the trip, to save on everything ... this is just starting to tell. Also because imagine how many times we said it directly to them. And I also wonder what the state is the truck when I heard Massimo fa'mi day told of a truck already in disarray structural ...
Thankfully Africa in its beauty, the challenge that we live and we are helping the project, this time with a lady Amref organization, we have made and will make us overcome everything and write it down as valuable experience. You see now why I say stomach is one thing to stay at least two in that situation and try to manage it, is one thing to see from here moving in a dangerous area ... and ask if everything is spinning the right way ... Do not mess with Africa, it should not be underestimated ever. E 'out of hand when you're hurting ... However, if the satellite track, and is not seeking relief means that everything is going .... Expect news from Massimo.
I know that others are inspired by the project and developing something similar, good .. for once we are happy to make an example, although raising his head a bit and look around you will see that we just be one great team.
said, adding they are important people who actually represent the most important business, soon we will communicate the events that we are dedicated to produce. With these realities that decide to help the Children's Village will be very special events. At the highest levels. Thanks to those who spent Friday night, me and Ioana Amref to have attended this dinner, between people (there were two other wonderful new friends) who have shared ... passion, stories, sensitivity ... and projects. You will see from here recently, what we can do. It already happened to me if I enjoy the main, to have the opportunity to meet new people to discuss, to share more than the usual themes quotidiani.Nell 'meeting is growing, and if these are the conditions then become big names .. I do not do it because at this stage would be to put pressure, but I will ask them directly. Thanks to you who are reading now. Remember that the blog is to give visibility to events, professional artists who have something to transmit, which is consistent with the "back to the essence ...
soon Max

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Can God And Silver Trade W/ Emerald

principle through the Jungle, Max must forfeit the desert ...

the journey continues ...


With Massimo in the Jungle for a while '...

and Max stopped in the pits .. here with Kate Varrey responsible and creative video game due out on DVD in April ....

Max knows for the first time Viga No
large purchase of precious network ...

Massimo after spending some time in Nigeria is entering the jungle to the truck, purpose Cameroon ... The remaining roads are complicated by local unrest. Let's hope so, we look forward to news and images. Max now looked like a caged animal, without wanting anything away our explorer stopped in the pits, it was a real pain ... but who knows him knows how it's done and it is so, say a little 'rough. And if not, we would like to instill less ... "Have you really only have patience and rest, then there may not mind having you here with us you know."
probably go directly to Kenya and will meet along the way. The project is to make an accurate reportage of the situation in Nairobi, visiting the Children's Village and then from there ... all over the country travel to neighboring countries ... but the plans we will tell them directly. Meanwhile Max Wolferin
version (that makes us both here and admit) is accelerating a series of contacts that will do to the next level to our network, we remember that it is to help Children in Need of AMREF, but also to develop activities that have value for those who live here.
remember that the best experts to participate in experiential training, you are adding artists, media experts, company events, business people, professionals ... in short, soon we will see, even some good live.
We take this opportunity to greet and thank the Friends of the Studio Viale Monti Premuda 7 in Milan, because we have demonstrated with facts that are the people qualified for the work they do. Lawyers who will never forget the propia humanity and who find the time to devote to our cause ... Well thanks and welcome to Backtobasics. Exact words of Max We currently have needs the human being who we are giving, but even if we need advice we would refer to you. Do you know of other serious professionals and open to the world? Let us know and report ... This is the meaning of this blog. In addition to act as a travelogue ...
all for now with the editorial staff decimated by various influences, we greet.
In our two travelers, with different motivations, but with total respect and affection, both say, we are with CHILDREN UNDER YOU!

Back to basics ... Max guess who are !?....

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Where Can Inew Ghetto Blaster

least for the moment pending the schedule of events Back to basics ... first thank Federico Faggioni

Soon we will be able to communicate the events we have planned for you, remember that all proceeds will be dedicated to Children's Village Nairobi for AMREF. Those events have a dual purpose: to help the Children Village and charmed the participant. Through experience interesting, fun activities that bring them to rediscover the creative know how to send, how much we have to find out about us. Not only in terms of emotions, even in terms of useful information about what we are, the hidden resources in have the ability to adapt to we can develop, the limits that exceed possimao ... Activities are mostly related to creativity, which is listening and organization of new elements, new resources and information that are not ... but organized in a new way to bring new results. In life I am dealing with experiential training and fifteen years working for large organizations, managers and employees ... seventy-five thousand more than have calculated ... well we give extracts from these experiences for people who want to learn and know. We do it in exchange for your contribution to the Children's Village ... such a beautiful experience can bring a major change in those who have less material resources.
want to present as trainers? Do you have assets you want to share? Would you like to do it for free? Contact us and we will study together how and what to do ...

Soon the calendar with a description of activities.
Let me thank a few companies already have moved with us, I did not ask their permission to publish their names .. I have not asked anything in return! I hope to be taken simply as the thanks of a friend (sometimes internal procedures are long and difficult) ... to friends.
by Cleis Spa, I can Thanks - Ismo, thanks Zonauno. Another thank you for the wonderful interviews before departure, Punto Radio through the magic of the Friend Virgillo Danny, a character that one day I will introduce it deserves ... Indeed maybe we will do together!

by Massimiliano Palmetto
"Do not wait until the storm pass, what is needed .... ....
is learning to dance in the rain!"