Anna Maria Bernini Bovicelli, born in Bologna on 17/08/1965, administrative cases and civil lawyer, "elected" to the Chamber of Deputies to the People of Freedom in 2008, no seat 442 in the third sector on the right (where else?) Of the arrangement often found on the talk-show television where stands for the particular insolence of the arguments for the use of the term "drill" referring to the wiretapping and the characteristic fixity of expression. The most recent appearances were in time to "Ballarò" on RAI-3 February 15 and "Eight and a half" on the La7 16: With regard to the fixity of expression, the assumptions that are made (see in particular the post "Plastic Woman" ) converge on the massive plastic surgery (it seems you can not be allowed Berlusconi's entourage unless you have something fake and / or rebuilt: ever wonder why? The poor Beatrice Lorenzin view to "Annozero" on the Rai2 February 17, and better known as "the mutual Meg Ryan, was forced, waiting for more insightful interventions, to wear an orthodontic apparecchietto). Why would not you ever laugh about the risk of sudden explosion of the cheeks and ears attached, a bit 'as was the mythical A King in New York ( A King in New York , 1957) by Charlie Chaplin.
but I believe that motivation is a bit 'more complex and should be sought first in the Babylonian myth (but not only) Oannes (worshiped by the Philistines, Dagon by name or Odakon) of they are still traces in the beliefs of the Dogon people of Mali (the name of Nommo) and the other in the fiction of Howard Phillips Lovecraft (1890-1937), especially in stories and novels of Cthulhu Cycle , whose story "Dagon" is a sort of premise .
Oannes For the Babylonians had a god out of a sort of primitive egg "that had led him to Earth where he showed men in anthropomorphic form and had failed to pass on knowledge necessary for the development of civilization, as reported by the Chaldean historian Berosus in his work "Babiloniaka" (275 BC) unfortunately been lost but whose contents have been kept by monaco Synkellos (eighth century AD) on the basis of the lost "Chronicles" of the father Church Eusebius of Caesarea (260-340 approx.) Who in turn drew from a compendium of the books of Berosus did in the first century BC by Alexander Polyhistor. According Polyhistor:
"There was a great multitude of people to Babylon, and they live without laws like wild animals. In the first year a beast called Oannes appeared Sea of \u200b\u200bEritrea, in a place adjacent to Babylon . His whole body was that of a fish, but a human head had grown up under the fish's head and human feet were similarly grown from the tail of the fish. It had a human voice. One of his image is still preserved today. He (Berosus, note) says that this beast passed the day with men, but did not eat food.HP Lovecraft in the story" Dagon "(1917) recovers the myth of man-fish telling a frightening be escaping from a giant vortex to embrace a monolith decorated Marine. The Cthulhu Cycle refers to extraterrestrial races that inhabit the earth and you had brought their gods, the Great Old , of \u200b\u200bwhich the best known, but not the most important, was just Cthulhu, a sort of polpastro disgusting and not at all interested in the progress and prosperity of humanity, but rather to communicate with people influencing the dreams and seduces with promises of power and endless pleasures (toh!). Beyond the pleasure of the narrative, the suspicion is that it may not be pure fantasy: maybe the followers of Cthulhu are among us in the guise demihumans, but detectable by the coldness and fixity of the gaze (and the crap they say and - unfortunately - do).
It gave people the knowledge of literature, science and art of all kinds. Also taught them how to found cities, build temples, to formulate laws and measure fields. Revealed to them the seeds and harvesting of fruit, and generally gave them everything that is connected with civilized life. From the time of the beast nothing new has been more open. But when the sun was setting, this beast Oannes dived into the sea and spent his nights in the abyss, as it was amphibious. Later there appeared other animals. "
The pictures below show, in order, Cthulhu, Dagon and Anna Maria Bernini: note the uncanny resemblance?

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