suddenly shouted
that was not the fate if the world was suffering,
if the sunlight tore blasphemies:
was the man guilty. At least we should desire to go,
free to hunger, say no
committed to a life that love and compassion,
family, the piece of land, tying our hands .
(Cesare Pavese, from smoking paper , 1932)
The hp is granbollito performed the day before yesterday in one of the more frequent use of deficient performance in media applaudenti (I hope someone records the faces of laudatores excited, so - when it is finally out of the way - that they can identify and keep the resulting distance ): this time, faced with the "Christian reformers" or something (de) genre, has attacked the public school, guilty of "inculcate values \u200b\u200bdifferent from those inculcated by families."
Now, one of the greatest disasters of this unfortunate country (and it is almost incredible that it still managed to produce absolute excellence of human art, science and culture), as well as the presence of pollutants, poisonous viscous and the CCAR (chiesacattolicapostolicaromana), is represented by its dominance of the Family, a true conspiracy, a source of moral corruption and human dignity brake (Leo Longanesi said that the Italians should be placed on the flag as its motto "I would like family"). The large family of Avetrana and the minimum of Grass are not exceptions monstrous total epiphanies are what the family is intimately. The exception is to be able to escape without too much damage.
But we see things a bit 'more closely.
In 1958, Edward C. Banfield published together with his wife Laura Fasano The Moral Basis of a Backward Society (tr. it.: Basics moral of a backward society , Il Mulino, 1976) the result of nine months of direct observation, test population, interviews and consultation with local archives of a village in Lucania conventionally called Montegrano: The aim was to understand the reasons the backwardness of certain social and economic community and the hypothesis was that this depended essentially cultural reasons. The culture of the extreme Montegrano had a conception of family ties that went against the ability to associate and to pursue the public interest. Individuals seemed to follow the rule: " maximize only short-term material advantages of his own nuclear family, assuming that all others do likewise . "This rule was called" amoral familism ":" familism "because the individual pursues only the interests of his family and not the community involving collaboration between non-kin, " amoral" because the categories of good and evil are only applied between the family and not to other individuals.
implications arising from the general rules that describe the effects of amoral familism regarding the management of public good and politics. In a society of amoral familism:
- pursue any interest common, except where it enjoys an advantage right;
- any person or institution, he would declare the act in the public interest will be considered a fraud;
- only public officials will take care of public affairs, because they paid for it ; people do not care for them and if they did would be bad visa
- public officials will be less controlled because it is a matter of other public officers only;
- public officials do not identify with the goals of 'organization they serve, and professionals will demonstrate a lack of vocation or sense of mission, both will use their positions and their particular skills as tools to use against the next to pursue their own personal benefit;
- public officials tend to be bribed, and if not he will still be considered corrupt;
- there will be no connection between the abstract principles, political or ideological, and practical daily behavior;
- the law will be disregarded whenever it seems possible to avoid the consequences;
- the weak will welcome an authoritarian regime that to maintain order with a firm hand;
- will be difficult create and maintain any organization, because this requires a certain amount of selflessness and identification and loyalty to the interest of the organization;
- there will be no leaders or followers, because no one will be interested in supporting the enterprise unless motivated by personal interest;
- voting will be used to make short-term material advantages, namely to repay benefits already achieved, not just those promises;
- or the vote will be used to punish those whom you feel bad in their own interests, even if those have acted to promote interest public
- members to parties tend to sell itself to parties most favored, leading to the instability of political forces.
Banfield's hypothesis is that social backwardness is the result of backwardness cultural then the problem is to eradicate the amoral familism (and the corresponding demented vision of 'homo economicus whereby free to pursue their own self-interest automatically produces, through the miraculous in the market, the common good) while preventing them from reproducing and providing alternatives that municipalities can not derive from the public school (which, as Flack said a "Che tempo che fa " Sunday is the place where the simulated life).
As for the family, if the manufacturer of the horrors described (and other more subtle as a few centuries of literature and decades of psychoanalysis and sociology of the family have shown), at least deserves to become extinct, although the process is still longish. In the meantime, why not experiment with different forms of free association between consenting adults is not emotionally handicapped and non-certified spiritually? Just to say, why not go to discover such common education of young Israeli kibbutz in the war so well described by Bruno Bettelheim in "Children of the dream ", Mondadori, 1977?
To call upon me "starry sky" and in my heart "moral law" (which is simple, to Kant and to everyone else man is an end and not half ).
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