How many more thousands of dead will be necessary to go beyond the stirring words of outrage at the massacres and crimes against humanity, a tragic clown hair dyed at this time should already be hanging upside down in a few square in Tripoli to fulfill its vocation for martyrdom (or at least wrapped up awaiting trial for genocide)? And the more tragic by our national clown fake hair and her expert slalom ski wax and, instead of indignantly rejected the accusations that it has provided rockets to insurgents, when (at least) threaten to arm the people really occurring, and to seize (better would be to expropriate ) Libya's funds invested in UniCredit, Fiat, Finmeccanica, Eni, Mediobanca, Juventus, Olcese, Retelit, slamming of blackmail on oil and gas and economic agreements (which will all be repealed so that will take power by the opposition)?
the avoidance of doubt, I do not like violence and I wish that disputes were resolved in a civilized manner, listen to free all of the reasons (the reasons, not the powers). But faced with a mad dictator and murderess mediations are not possible (and I recall that for a moral principle of a higher order the killing of the tyrant is not considered an offense and - for the Church - not even sin), is a question of ethic cleansing . The pity is dead.
in 1936 in aid of Republican Spain was attacked by Franco intervened about 59,000 men (including 4,050 Italians) from 53 countries on five continents, classified in the International Brigades, under the sign of the three-pointed red star above. Approximately 30% and 50% died fighting was wounded. On September 21, 1938 the Brigades were withdrawn under pressure from the front of the Western democracies committed to the "forward-looking" policy of nonintervention. Other situations and other times, for sure (and certainly others better) ...
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