Friday, March 11, 2011

Antibody Test After 7 Week

Dear Friend I am writing ... so I get distracted a bit '...

My dear Jambo,
delivery with good news ... I feel better and the truth is that I was far from ideal shape until a week ago '... I made other specific examinations and are in shape like a lion ... they say. And it's true, I begin to resent me. Some eye problems, I still see black spots that move ... but the nets seem to resist and still have the means to intervene if it were ever necessary. So I'll see you in Ethiopia or Kenya ... I have to check for your visa. I'll let you know ASAP.
I spent the first period in Italy with problems in the ears, eyes, no energy ... and tell you the truth: was better that way. Because it gave me an opportunity not to hear, not see ... that they are not fully in this mechanism that the people taking away their sound trite aspirations, can at least dream of a peaceful future, in exchange for technology and "welfare" gives panic attacks, addictions and neuroses ... When we started I knew I wanted to take a break. Now I know why: all this makes no sense. Traveling together, and recently read the story you sent me are increasingly realized that here we have the possibility for an extraordinary life, but we do not have the ability to choose ... is often a question of courage, often made of a constraint responsibilities and liabilities, sometimes lack of successful examples that will encourage change. The fact is that here everybody is complaining and just do something to change, do not tell the world that seems unattainable, but at least their lives. And you try to save his position with a thousand difficulties, and that inevitably crumble in this systemic crisis who pretend not to see.
think if only we were actually able to watch a po'oltre, if we were actually able to trade real, understood as true. Even this blindness is' worth my friend.
How well could you give us, drawing from these places where life is a process straordianrio terrible and at the same time. But that seems to make sense at least. Maybe by dedicating a bit 'of our resources ...???
The problem is that now draw means conquer, rather than learn, breathe, observe, enjoy. Exchange.
Well I console myself thinking that our baby is what we are doing, in exchange for a few resources that we devote to instill some of these neighbors, we are finding a training course to the life that I am not afraid to define extraordinary. And I thank you Amico Mio brings you the warmth and affection of all those people who witness an estimate incredible, exciting. The blog is followed by many people and so many of us are experiencing. Even idealizing them back to reality when I can. unmerited you would say, and I agree. But balance all those that do not understand and dismiss us with jokes and sarcasm low profile ... of course, never in person .. but they do not count and will not count ever. New people help the network and we are planning very important events in Nairobi are going to go well beyond the Village Children Flying Doctors and other reality ... I'm trying to arrange the filming of a short film .. I'll explain. Your photos will become an exhibit to the return from the adventure, and never stop to shoot ...
One last thing: I met some amazing people within a few major companies ... and this makes me happy because if you multiply contacts with this human dimension within the reality of this level then indeed there is hope ... I'm not saying to change the world, but at least talking about changing the world. That small portion of the world in which we intervene. And as we've pointed out there are those who left school for a value of twenty Euro ... Something we can do.
Hail My Friend waiting to resume their journey together. I put these photos, then I had the wish to speak, unable to ... I wrote you.


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